Sects and Religions

Many, many faiths have been followed in the world, developed through the centuries.  Some have fallen away, whilst other new or ‘revamped’ ones are rising.  Every faith basically leads to two things: a method of living/state of being, and a final goal.  However, careful examination by an honest seeker shows that both vary widely between different faiths.  Although some faiths are somewhat similar, all faiths do not lead to the same lifestyle or conclusion!

Any faith other than Christianity essentially is error.  This is a bold claim!  Let’s consider a few things.

The scriptures in the Christian Bible, written over 1500+ years declare the facts of Christ’s existence, earthly ministry, and death and resurrection, plus much more.  More original and meticulously copied manuscripts of Christian Scripture exist than any other ancient writings, showing almost no variations.  The Bible alone also states many detailed prophecies, many written hundreds of years prior to the events taking place.  Many of these prophecies have already been proven completely accurate in their fulfilment.  Archaeology is also increasingly proving the accuracy of details in biblical accounts.  Various historians also documented the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, including other people, places and events seen in Scripture.  Reputable research supplied on websites and in books confirms this.  Jesus is alive and active in His church, whilst the founders of all other faiths have or will die!

In 2 Timothy 3:16, we are told that all Scripture is inspired by God.  The Christian Bible claims there is only one true eternal God, in three persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit.  They function perfectly together, fulfilling temporal and eternal purposes.  God the Son came at the proper time as a human to take the judgement for mankind’s sin, dying on a cross and rising to life three days later as proof.  This is the mercy and kindness He gave.  Those who accept Him as their personal Saviour and Lord receive total forgiveness, and the Holy Spirit comes to live in them.  The Holy Spirit acts to restore a holy nature to them, and to lead, teach, comfort and enable them for an effective life in relationship with God and other people.  God’s children can also be permitted to later enter heaven.

Christianity is a living, growing relationship with the true God.  Careful reading of the Bible clearly shows how God has initiated every step through time to restore people back to Him as sons and daughters.  True, understanding Christians do not try to earn their salvation or other things.  They simply draw near to God in faith, allow Him to work in their life, and do good things in His leading and enabling out of love and thankfulness. 

In contrast, religions (other faiths) have been developed as people try to make sense of the world, their existence, and what happens after death.  Every religion is basically a ‘self-help’ works program.  There may be worship of statues, spirits, people (or in effect self), things in the natural environment, or adherence to philosophical stances, but earning something is still at the heart of it.  We cannot, through our personal efforts, restore ourselves back to God.  With an imperfect nature, self effort can only do so much, and can be a stressful load to carry.   

The whole of creation is based on God and His truth and love.  Romans Chapter 1 clearly states the progression of rebellion against God after the ‘fall’ of man into sin, its devastating consequences, deception, and loss of knowledge of the truth.

In addition to religions, many sects have arisen, where there is a departure from sound scriptural truth in the Christian Bible to varying degrees.  Some sects have strayed so far from biblical truth, that in effect they have ‘another gospel’ or ‘another Jesus’ being proclaimed.  Any change to or rejection of long accepted scriptural doctrine is dangerous, hindering those sincerely seeking God.  In the case of sects, error arises in ways such as seen below.

  • Omission of words/scriptures/passages from the Bible
  • Addition of words/scriptures/passages to the Bible
  • Considerable alteration of the scriptures in general
  • Rejecting particular parts of scripture as truly God’s Word
  • Attributing meanings to words or scriptures, different to those widely accepted as the original meanings intended
  • Stressing an overemphasis or underemphasis on certain doctrines/truths in the Bible
  • Strong adherence to and application to one’s life of teaching from writings not included in the canonical books of Scripture

*Only the true Christian faith, based on sound scriptural understanding, offers salvation from sin and its effects, and eternal life.    This was made possible through Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for our sin.  God will forgive and accept anyone who sincerely asks for forgiveness, and commits their life to Him as Lord.

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.   John 3:16